30 March - 1 April 2026
Excel London

Rules and Regulations


All entries must be completed online. The entry fee is for all competitions £27.50 per person for individual senior/open classes, or £22.00 per person for individual junior/student classes (age 23 or under on 19 March 2025).


We recommend you submit your Menu, recipe/s method and photographs for entries for the Live Theatre as there are only 8 available workstations and some competitions may be subject to paper judging.

Competitors are also required to bring a typed menu with them on the day along with an allergen sheet.

Menus and recipes may be used as part of promotional activity after the event by the International Salon Culinaire and its partners.


Payment can be made when entering online at www.internationalsalonculinaire.co.uk  if this is not possible please contact Andrew Pantelli on 020 7886 3074, andrew.pantelli@montgomerygroup.com


The closing date for entries is 14th February 2025 unless otherwise stated, we recommend applying early as classes are limited.


All places will be allocated as soon as possible after the closing date and competitors will be notified accordingly. If you are unsuccessful in getting a place in the class/classes you have applied for, we will endeavour to offer you an alternative.


Establishments are permitted ONE entry only per competition and competitors a maximum of THREE entries per person (Live Theatre). There are no restriction on the number  of entries in the Skills Theatre competitions (subject to the maximum capacity for each category).


Chef Teams may enter in the name of their establishment, company, region or in their own names. Only ONE team may enter from ONE establishment per class.

JUNIOR COMPETITORS (Under 23 as at 19th March 2025)

All applications for junior classes will be asked to confirm their eligibility on the entry form.


All competitors will be automatically registered however any colleagues must register online as a Salon Culinaire Competitor at www.hrc.co.uk passes will then be forwarded direct.


All judges in Live & Skills Theatre will mark independently, and competitors are asked to demonstrate as many craft skills as possible in front of the judges as time allows. A sample of the judging sheets that will be used can be requested from andrew.pantelli@montgomerygroup.com

Judges will deduct points for excessive waste of ingredients, using out of season produce and misuse of equipment leading to inefficient use of energy.


Cooking on the Live Theatre will be with Combi Ovens and Induction Hobs. Refrigeration and hygiene products will also be provided. All light equipment including knives, utensils and chopping boards is the responsibility of the competitor.


Please ensure that you read the competition criteria thoroughly, if you require further clarity on a particular competition criterion, please contact andrew.pantelli@montgomerygroup.com


All competitors can request feedback after their class has been judged. Photos of each dish in Live Theatre will be taken by the judging team to assist in giving a constructive and full feedback.


Results will be announced at the awards presentations (see below) and will be online at www.internationalsalonculinaire.co.uk as soon as possible after judging is complete.


Awards will be made to the standard achieved. Where a standard is not reached, a participation award will be made.

Gold Award – 90% or more
Silver Award – 75% or more
Bronze Award – 65% or more
Certificate of Merit – 55% or more


Live Theatre & Salon Display – There will be two daily award ceremonies on Monday 17th March and Tuesday 18th March at approx. 13.00 pm and 16.30 pm and one awards ceremony on Weds 19th March at approx. 15.00 pm. Every effort will be made to present the awards to all classes where judging is completed prior to 12.30hrs, at the 13.00hrs earlier ceremony. However, if the judging takes longer, it may be necessary to defer making the awards for a particular class until the 16.30 ceremony. If you are unsure, then please speak to a member of the Salon team to confirm at which ceremony the awards for your class will be made.

Skills Theatre – There will be separate award ceremonies for Skills Theatre on the Skills Theatre stage each afternoon (Exact time TBC).

Sugarcraft – There will be a dedicated Sugarcraft awards presentation on Weds 19th at approx. 2.00pm.

All competitors who will be attending to collect their awards should ensure that they are dressed in clean chef whites. This is important for presentation purposes and for the sake of class sponsors and photographs.


The competition timetable is intended as a pre-event published guide to the day and times of competitions. Whilst every effort will be made to adhere to the stated timings, it may be necessary to alter them without notice depending on the volume of entries. Times, therefore, should be checked at the Salon Office on the day of competition. Competitors will, however, be notified of exact times of competitions for which they have entered.


It remains the responsibility of competitors to assure the judging panel that their work is unaided, bona-fide and is presented within the spirit of fair competition.

Competitors are required to declare that entries for the Cold Display Classes have NOT been entered or displayed in any previous classes or competitions. Exhibits for Table of Honour are exempt from this ruling.


All competitors must report to and register at the registration desk on arrival. Cold exhibits must be delivered and presented for judging between 0700hrs and 0900hrs on the appointed day shown on the Competition Timetable. Judging will commence promptly at 0900hrs each day.

All exhibits must be presented at the time stated and for the number of days specified. Competitors are responsible for their entries to be securely placed for judging in the correct class position allocated.

Delivery instructions will be sent out to all entrants in advance.

Labels will be issued which are to be attached to the top, visual side of each entry. A second label will be attached to the underside for security referencing.

No exhibit will be accepted after judging has commenced, except in verifiable, exceptional circumstances. No exhibit may be removed without the permission of the Salon Office.


Whilst all reasonable care will be taken for the security of exhibits, dishes and equipment the organisers will NOT be responsible for any loss or damage to exhibits, dishes, equipment or personal effects. Competitors are advised to insure exhibits dishes and any equipment for display. It is the individual’s responsibility to cover this personal risk.


All exhibits must be removed at the time stated and not before. Your assistance is appreciated in the exhibits being viewed by the trade visitors, adding to the overall impact and success of the show. The Salon Committee reserves the right to remove and destroy any exhibit remaining after such time or to remove any exhibit deemed to be unhygienic or below standard.


Canvassing of judges will DISQUALIFY a competitor. Registered judges are chosen by Salon Director who have satisfied the judging standards criteria. Separate “Notes for the Guidance of Judges” are issued to invited judges.


The Salon Committee reserves the right to rescind, modify or add to any of the above rules and conditions and their interpretation of these is final. They also reserve the right to limit the number of entries or to cancel any class at their discretion.

For any additional questions on competition rules, please contact:  andrew.pantelli@montgomerygroup.com


By entering International Salon Culinaire, Montgomery Group will send you relevant information from International Salon Culinaire and other relevant events, products and services. You can unsubscribe at any time by following the link at the bottom of any of our emails, or by emailing the team here. You can view how we contact you here.

Headline Partner

Compass Group

Official Media Partner

Official Media Partner


Class Sponsors