30 March - 1 April 2026
Excel London

Sugarcraft sponsored by Couture at Cake Stuff

The Sugarcraft section sponsored by Couture at Cake Stuff offers an exciting array of competitions where cake and sugar artists can unleash their creativity through diverse mediums, styles, and themes. Whether crafting breath taking showpieces, lifelike floral arrangements, or unique wedding and novelty cakes, there's an opportunity for every artist to shine and impress.


2025 Competitions

Professional Cake Decorator of the Year 2025


At HRC 2025, the competitor who accumulates the highest combined score in the Sugarcraft category will be honoured as the Professional Cake Decorator of the Year. Scoring is based on medal achievements, with points awarded as follows:

  • Gold Medal: 4 points for outstanding mastery and artistic execution
  • Silver Medal: 3 points for exceptional creativity and technical skill
  • Bronze Medal: 2 points for notable craftsmanship and design
  • Certificate of Merit: 1 point for commendable effort and quality

The winner, distinguished for their exceptional talent and dedication, will receive a beautifully crafted commemorative trophy during the final awards ceremony—a highlight of the event celebrating the finest cake artistry.

Senior Sugarcraft Classes


A decorative exhibit of your choice. The exhibit may be made from any edible medium. Internal supports permitted but no visible external supports or non-edible decoration.  

Minimum display area 40cm x 40cm (no height restriction).

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A small decorative exhibit of your choice. The exhibit may be made from any edible medium. Internal supports permitted but no visible external supports or non-edible decoration.  

Maximum display area 40cm x 40cm (no height restriction). 

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A miniature decorative exhibit of your choice. The exhibit may be made from any edible medium. Internal supports permitted no visible external supports or artificial decoration.  

Maximum display area including base 16cm cube. 

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A single celebration cake of any shape coated with sugar paste or royal icing. A dummy cake (single) will be permitted. Exhibit must be displayed as if it was an edible cake. Decorative work to competitor’s choice/theme.  

Maximum display area 40cm x 40cm (no height restriction). 

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A wedding cake of two or more tiers. Decorative work to competitor’s choice/theme. Dummies cakes are permitted. Exhibit must be displayed as if it was an edible cake. Stands and pillars permitted.

Maximum display area 60cm x 60cm (no height restriction). 

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A cake decorated to a book or nursery rhyme theme. The cake can be any shape coated and decorated using any suitable edible medium, no dummy cakes or visible artificial decoration. The cake may be cut to ensure it complies with the criteria. Internal supports permitted. Include a short-written description indicating the name of the book or nursery rhyme. Include in the additional guidance that the judges are looking for good cake proportion/ how many portions the cake can be portioned into. The cake will be tested to ensure it meets schedule. This may be a small cut in the cake.

Maximum display area 60cm x 60cm (no height restriction).

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A sculpted or carved cake or cakes coated and decorated using edible medium. No dummy cakes or visible artificial decoration. The cake may be cut to ensure it complies with the criteria; internal supports are permitted. Maximum display area 60cm x 60cm (no height restriction). The cake will be tested to ensure it meets schedule. This may be a small cut in the cake.

Maximum display area 60cm x 60cm (no height restriction).

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*TASTED - Display twelve decorated cupcakes in total. Design and decoration of competitor’s choice. Decoration must be edible and suitable to eat with the cake. Marks will be awarded on eating quality of the cake, coating, decoration and creativity of display. one cake will be cut and tasted with the decoration in place. Please include a menu with description of flavours and list of allergens. The cupcake will be cut and tasted with decoration in place.

Maximum display area 60cm x 60cm. (no height restriction).

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A sugar floral arrangement, plant or planted display, Including flowers and foliage. The exhibit should be presented on a suitable background which may be a container, board or vase, stamens, wires, and artificial display material permitted.

Maximum display area 60cm x 60cm (no height restriction).

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A bridal bouquet or posy of sugar flowers, suitable for a bride/bridesmaid to hold. Exhibit to include sugar flowers and foliage. Wires stamens and artificial decoration or stands may be used to presented exhibit.

Maximum display area 60cm x 60cm (no height restriction).

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A sugarcraft fascinator or headband made from any edible medium, decorated with sugar flowers to competitors choice. Artificial decoration permitted, including display head, stand, dummy cake, internal supports, floral wires.

Maximum display area 60cm x60cm (no height restriction).

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Present for display 12 baked and decorated gingerbread/cookies/biscuits. Design and decoration of competitors choice, decoration must be edible and suitable to be eaten with the cookie etc. Marks will be awarded on eating quality of the cookie, coating decoration and creativity of display, one item will be cut and tasted with the decoration in place. Please include a menu with description of flavours and list of allergens. Additional information: one cookie biscuit or gingerbread will be cut and tasted with decoration in place.

Maximum display area 60cm x60cm.

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Present and display six decorated miniature cakes, coated, and decorated using edible medium any shape (maximum size of each individual cake 8cm) placed on a suitable board. No dummy cakes or artificial decoration. The cake may be cut to ensure it meets the criteria.

Maximum display area 60cm X 60cm additional edible decoration can be presented with the display.

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If you have an idea for a decorative piece of work that does not comply to any of the competition classes above this class is for you. The exhibit must be made from any edible medium. No visible artificial decoration permitted. Internal supports permitted

The maximum display area is 60cm x 60cm. This class will be marked for artistic complex skills, the emphasis being on new ideas, visual impact, creativity, and innovative ideas.

Extra information: Marks for design creativity and new ideas will be given emphasis in this class.

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Junior Sugarcraft Classes



A decorative exhibit to competitor’s choice using any of the following mediums: pastillage, chocolate, marzipan, cooked sugar, salt paste. Small amount of royal icing permitted may be used to enhance exhibit.

Minimum size 60cm x 60cm (no height restriction).

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A wedding or celebration cake of any shape, with one or more tiers coated with sugar paste or royal icing Decorative work to competitor’s choice. Dummies cakes are permitted. Exhibit must be displayed as if it was an edible cake. Decorative work to competitor’s choice/theme.

Maximum display area 60cm x 60cm (no height restriction).

CLICK HERE for more info


A cake decorated to a novelty theme. The cake can be any shape coated and decorated using any suitable edible medium. Dummy cakes are permitted. Exhibit must be displayed as if it was an edible cake. Decorative work to competitor’s choice/theme.

Maximum display area 60cm x 60cm (no height restriction).

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A display of sugar flowers, which may be a corsage, plant, arrangement or bouquet.

Maximum display area 60cm x 60cm (no height restriction).

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*TASTED - Display twelve decorated cupcakes in total. Design and decoration of competitor’s choice, decoration must be edible, marks will be awarded on eating quality of the cake, coating, and decoration. creativity of display, One cupcake will be tasted at random. Please include a menu card/ flavours and list of allergens.

Maximum display area 40cm x 40cm (no height restriction).

CLICK HERE for more info

Student Sugarcraft Classes




A single Celebration cake for a birthday any shape, coated with sugar paste or royal icing. A dummy cake is permitted, exhibit must be displayed as if it was an edible cake.

Decorative work to competitor’s choice/theme.

Maximum display area 40cm x 40cm (no height restriction).

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A model or figure made from any edible medium.

Maximum display area 40cm x 40cm. (No height restriction). The display board or base can be decorated to enhance the model.

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Headline Partner

Compass Group

Official Media Partner

Official Media Partner


Class Sponsors